软件使用规则(Software Usage Rules):
软件申请许可后可免费使用一段时间 (The software can be used for free for a period of time after the license is granted);
提出意见、建议、反馈等,如被采纳,可以获得一年软件使用许可 (Submitting suggestions, recommendations, feedback, etc., if adopted, can earn a one-year software usage license);
开发插件或python、批处理等功能,如被采纳,可以获得永久软件使用许可 (Developing plugins or features in Python, batch processing, etc., if adopted, can earn a permanent software usage license);
欢迎在论坛相应板块与我们联系和交流 (You are welcome to contact and communicate with us on the Software Forum)。
注册文件获取(Registration File Acquisition):
(Please send the serial number to the email: easypoint3d@126.com, and then use the license file received in the reply for registration. Please send the email with the following content:)
姓名 (Name):
单位 (Company):
职业 (Occupation):
使用目的 (Purpose of Use):
序列号 (Serial Number):
版本 (Version):林业版或卫星版 (Forestry or Satellite)
易点可在easypoint.xyz下载(EasyPoint can be downloaded from easypoint.xyz)。
易点林业版 1.0 (EasyPoint Forestry 1.0) 注册后可免费使用一个月,原则上不支持反复注册 (After registration, you can use the software for free for one month. Repeated registrations are not supported in principle)
易点卫星版 1.0 (EasyPoint Satellite 1.0) 注册后可免费使用六个月,支持反复注册 (After registration, you can use the software for free for six month. Repeated registrations are supported)